59th IAEG Connector E-News
The 59th IAEG Connector E-News is available online.
The 59th IAEG Connector E-News is available online.
The ISSMGE News and Information Circular for July 2019 is now available online.
The 58th IAEG Connector newsletter is available online.
The 57th IAEG Connector newsletter is available online.
Deadline for nominations & abstracts has been extended to 16th August The Australian Geomechanics Society and the New Zealand Geotechnical Society invite you to attend the 13th Young Geotechnical Professionals Conference (13YGPC Cairns) Held every 2 years, the Young Geotechnical Professional Conference (YGPC) events are unique 3 day conferences facilitated by a joint initiative of the Australian Geomechanics Society (AGS) and New Zealand Geotechnical Society (NZGS). Call for abstracts Please complete the nomination form attached to this call for abstracts. Nominations of delegates must also be supported by a senior mentor and include an abstract of 200 words on a topic that is related to geotechnical practice or research. Positions are limited to 50 attendees and all successful nominations will…
The 55th issue of the IAEG Connector E-News is available online.
The 54th issue of the IAEG Connector E-News is available online.
Download Flyer Collaboration between industry and academia can drive innovation and progress in many industries, including Civil Engineering. To encourage thought about this matter the SA/NT Chapter of the AGS, the SA branch of the ICE and Aurecon invite students and young practitioners of Civil Engineering to make a 2 minute video addressing one of the topics below: Topic 1 Can new fields of study and activity (e.g. artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology, biotechnology, etc) have a major impact on civil engineering practice unless there is good collaboration between industry and academia? Topic 2 Is it safe in for a Civil Engineering Organisation not to innovate? What are the risks in innovation and how can they be managed? Topic 3 What…
Seeking Expressions of Interest:AGS Workshop on INSAR and its Applications for Understanding Ground Movement For more information and to register your interest, please see the Expression of Interest flyer. Radar interferometry (InSAR) is a rapidly expanding technique that offers valuable insight into ground deformation for a range of applications, particularly in the field of geotechnics. Due to advancing radar technology and increasing numbers of satellites, the quality and frequency of spaceborne radar coverage available for InSAR is continually improving. An increasing range of radar datasets are becoming freely available, further increasing application potential in geotechnical studies of various scale. However, InSAR is a technically complex technology necessitating appropriate planning, processing, and interpretation. This workshop is aimed at providing end-users and…
The 50th IAEG Connect eNewsletter is available online.