Sydney Symposium Papers
Papers and proceedings from the Sydney Symposiums 2010-2017, are now available for members. View and download papers here.
Papers and proceedings from the Sydney Symposiums 2010-2017, are now available for members. View and download papers here.
The September ISSMGE circular is available online as well as Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2018 of the the ISSMGE Bulletin.
The ISSMGE bulletin for June 2018 is now available on the ISSMGE website.
We would like to invite you to submit abstracts to the ATC7 special session “Geotechnical Issues and Practices on Deltaic Deposits and Highly Compressible Soils” of The Sixteenth Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (16ARC). The 16th ARC is scheduled to be held on October 14~18, 2019 at Taipei International Convention Center (TICC) in Taipei, Taiwan. The conference is organized by Chinese Taipei Geotechnical Society under the auspice of ISSMGE Board. The ATC7 special session will provide the venue for geotechnical practitioners and researchers to present the latest research and innovations on a wide range of geotechnical topics, related to deltaic deposits and highly compressible soils, including but not limited to: Characterization of material properties Numerical and…
Please note the following opportunities for input to the revision of two important standards. AS2870 Further to the recent announcement for a “townhall” meeting to discuss the development of a proposal to revise AS2870, there is a draft proposal as it currently stands, for your consideration. If you are planning to attend the meeting, please pre-read the document to inform your contributions to the discussion. If you would like to express a view on the proposal, but cannot attend the meeting, I invite you to make a short written submission (short =
The ISRM Rocha Medal has been awarded annually by the ISRM, since 1982, for an outstanding doctoral thesis in rock mechanics or rock engineering, to honour the memory of ISRM Past President Manuel Rocha while stimulating young researchers. Besides the Rocha medal awarded to the winner, one or two runner-up certificates may also be awarded. Click here for details about the application process for the 2020 Award. Click here for more details about the award. PAST AUSTRALIA WINNERS 2013 – Dr Anne Perera 1998 – Fiona MacGregor 1991 – T.H. Kleine 1985 – P.M. Dight
The next meeting of the AGS National Committee will take place in Sydney on Friday 23 March 2018. Please contact your National Committee representative should you wish to raise a point for discussion.
The Standards Development Advisory Committee (SDAC) from Standards Australia has conditionally approved a proposal for revision of AS 4678:2002 Earth-retaining structures. Regular updates will be shared with the AGS membership.
The Editorial Panel of Australian Geomechanics invites submission of papers to the journal. To view the journal’s Aims & Scope and Guide for Authors, and for information on how to submit your paper, please refer to the Editorial Policy at the end of this issue. If you are interested in publishing your photos in Australian Geomechanics, please submit your contributions to Richard Heath, AGS Media Officer. This is a great opportunity to showcase and share your work and projects. Your picture could also be selected for the cover page of the journal!
We Won! The AGS bid to bring the International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering to Sydney in 2021 was unanimously accepted at the ISSMGE Council Meeting held in Seoul on Sunday 17 September 2017. A detailed report on the bid and the conference itself has been prepared by Graham Scholey for the 52.4 issue of the journal. Following confirmation of Sydney as the venue for ICSMGE-2021, the AGS ran a free registration competition. The winning business card was drawn by Professor Dong-Soo Kim, Chairman of the Organising Committee of ICSMGE-2017, during the closing ceremony of the event in Seoul. The winner was Mrs Joanne Marie T Parafina, a young female design engineer from the Philippines. Visit the ISCMGE…