The Third International Conference of Press-in Engineering will be held in Singapore on 3-5 July 2024. The organisers have release Bulletin 2 of the ICPE2024 which contains information on keynote and theme lectures as well as the outline of the conference sessions. The registration fee and hotel details are also included. A heavily discounted early bird registration fee is available until 30 April 2024. In addition, there are also heavily discounted registration fees for young persons below 36 years old and for full time students. More information, including the Bulletin 2 PDF, is available on the ICPE2024 website.
Two major deadlines are this week: nominations for YEG board members and the abstract deadline for the 4th European Regional Conference of IAEG. Also, this coming week is the actual date of our 14th Regional Conference in Asia for IAEG in Malaysia! There is so much happening in IAEG! There were many incredible landslides this past week in Alaska (USA), Denmark, California, Turkey and the Philippines! Also, a recent earthquake in Japan created a significant uplift in the region.
There are so many news items this week! A rare earthquake occurred in Florida, USA and the volcano in Iceland continues to erupt! A couple of landslides in India and the Philippines are also highlighted.
In two weeks we have the 14th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG in Malaysia. We wish the organizers good luck in having a super conference!
There are so many news items this week! Two atmospheric rivers hit California (USA) and caused much flooding and hundreds of landslides. Blue Lagoon, the number one tourist destination in Iceland, has closed this week as the volcanic eruptions there are very closeby. We highlight a mud volcano and a mineworks failure too. Cities around the world are sinking at an alarming rate. Brazil had a year of 1,161 disasters in 2023.
Call for speakers — Hunter Valley & Northern NSW AGS Symposium, 2024
The Newcastle chapter of the Australian Geomechanics Society is excited to announce that it is planning a one day symposium for the Hunter Valley and Northern regions of NSW, on all topics related to our profession. It is our aim to bring representatives from government, industry and academic institutions in our region together, so that we may share project insights, explore new practices, and discuss emerging challenges.
First, we would like to announce the Euroengeo2024 meeting in October, 2024 in Dubrovnik which will be a super meeting! We also have continuing announcements about the death of the Bolivian National Group President, the Paul Marinos Lecture Tour, the Third Summer School of IAEG this summer, and the 3rd International Conference of ACE Forensic Engineering in Korea in January 2024. News items from around the world include updates on the volcanoes in Iceland and Indonesia, landslides in Denmark and China, and nitrate pollution in Costa Rica.
The Australian Geomechanics Society Sydney Chapter is holding its 28th annual Symposium on Friday 1 November 2024: ‘Advances in Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering’. The symposium forms part of the continuing program of events organised by the AGS Sydney Chapter. It aims to encourage ideas and discussions about one of the key aspects of design, construction and research which are becoming more prevalent in industry and academia. Overview The symposium will showcase state-of-the-art practices, new research findings and case histories that demonstrate advances in geomechanics and geotechnical engineering. The organising committee welcomes submissions of papers covering various aspects of geomechanics and geotechnical engineering from practitioners and researchers. The symposium presents an opportunity for professional engineers, researchers, specialist contractors, regulators, educators and…
News items from around the world include updates on the volcanoes in Iceland and Indonesia, landslides in Denmark and China, and nitrate pollution in Costa Rica.
The Australian Geomechanics Society (Sydney Chapter) has established the Harry Poulos Award in recognition of the extraordinary impact of Professor Harry Poulos’s contributions to pile foundation analysis and design and his work in understanding soil structure interaction. His research has enabled a more reliable approach to be adopted for pile design, replacing procedures that previously relied purely on experience and empiricism. He has been a prolific contributor to and supporter of the activities of the international and Australian geotechnical community. Basis of the award The award will be presented annually to a person selected by the Sydney Chapter Committee as having made a significant contribution to either practice and/ or research in foundation engineering or soil structure interaction that has…