An Advanced Web-Based Management System for Instrumentation and Monitoring Data

Darren Huang, Idy Li and Jeff Hsi

EIC GeoView is an advanced web-based management system for instrumentation and monitoring data that has been developed by EIC Activities, a member of CIMIC Group, for sole use on the Group’s construction projects providing valuable competitive advantage. The System automates the processing of raw data and delivers graphical outputs of the information via an online portal. This system has the capacity to collate information from innumerable sources, then process and store the information via a cloud server. This paper presents how EIC GeoView has been used on three major projects in Australia to collate and process monitoring data to assess the performance and management of built structures. On the Torrens Road to River Torrens Project in South Australia, EIC GeoView was used to manage large quantities of movement data collected along a 3km long soil nail wall designed using unsaturated soil mechanics principles. Use of EIC GeoView allowed large volumes of data to be accurately delegated and processed with ease and minimal human effort. On Sydney Metro Northwest TSC, EIC GeoView was used to collate and process real-time rail track movements and ground surface deformation of existing structures relative to the progress of the underground tunnel, presenting the construction team with the ability to assess the impact of tunnel construction with up-to-the-minute accuracy. On the Frederickton to Eungai Pacific Highway Upgrade project, a considerable portion of the alignment involved construction upon soft soils. The grouping functionality in EIC GeoView was used to cluster different instrument readings on a single output, allowing engineers to observe and compare between linked phenomena, such as piezometer records, fill height, horizontal profile gauges and ground settlements from plate readings, all at the same time.