General And Technical Considerations For Implementing High Speed Rail Systems In Australia

Hadi Khabbaz and Behzad Fatahi

Australia has a number of medium speed rail services such as the Prospector, which runs from East Perth to Kalgoorlie, at speeds of up to 160 km/hr. Speeds as high as 210 km/hr have been reached by the tilt train from Brisbane to Rockhampton. Although there are a few medium speed rail systems in Australia, there is not a passenger rail transport with the high transit speeds seen in other countries. This paper presents the feasibility of implementing high speed rail systems in Australia by looking at the main elements that a high speed train is composed of. This paper also reviews the performance of high speed rail systems around the world and the factors contributed to their success made them successful. The main objective of this study is to look at how the solutions from overseas and how the technical requirements particularly the geotechnical aspects of tracks for a high speed rail system can be applied in Australian existing and new tracks. Australia has its own unique demographic, geographic and economic characteristics and the aim is to identify where there are overlaps between Australia’s characteristics and countries with high speed rail systems. High speed rail transport might not necessarily be one the best solutions for the transportation at present in Australia, but it can be what a nation needs to succeed in its future transportation system.