Geotechnical challenges for development in the Hunter Region – Key Figures 4 and 5
Key Figure 4 has been adapted from the following publications to illustrate the geology of the area north of Newcastle:
- DMRNSW (1991a). Geology of the Camberwell, Dungog and Bulahdelah 1:100,000 Sheets. By Roberts J, Engel B and Chapman J, Department of Mineral Resources, NSW.
- GSNSW (2003). Statewide Geology of NSW (1:250,000 GIS compilation) Geological Survey of New South Wales Department of Mineral Resources. NSW.
Key Figure 4 is also Figure 1 in the paper by Fityus et al. on the Karuah Bypass.
Key Figure 5 shows the Interpreted Geology of the Karuah Bypass and is also Figure 3 in the paper by Fityus et al. on the Karuah Bypass.