Numerical modelling comparison of large strain tailings consolidation

Daniel Pham

Consolidation of mine tailings can take extended periods of time due to their high water content and relatively low permeability which can affect the storage capacity of the tailings storage facilities (TSFs) during the Life of Mine (LoM), and the timeline to start their rehabilitation at closure. A clearer understanding of the tailings consolidation behaviour during TSF planning stages is therefore critical to achieve efficient and sustainable mine waste management during operations and prior to closure. This can be accomplished by a combination of laboratory testing and numerical modelling prior to the commencement of tailings deposition.

A numerical modelling comparison of large strain tailings consolidation was undertaken between three software packages Plaxis LE, FSConsol and MinTaCo that are commonly used by tailings practitioners. The objectives of the study were to provide the advantages and limitations of each software to assist with selecting the appropriate numerical modelling program corresponding to the project budget, complexity, anticipated effort, and outputs required. This paper presents a case study involving consolidation modelling undertaking on an in-pit tailings storage facility based on laboratory testing results using the software considered for both single and multiple filling scenarios as well as with and without the effects of evaporation.