- 2025
Quantitative rockfall risk assessment with and without protective measures
Dr Maddalena Marchelli
International Women’s Day: Breakfast + Q&A Panel
Professor Anna Giacomini, Joanna Sylvester and Caitlyn Todd
Case studies of rock slope instabilities associated to combined failure mechanisms
Professor Leandro R. Alejano
- 2024
2024 Newcastle Chapter AGM
Newcastle Chapter WiAGS inaugural event and volunteer call-out
Geotechnical Engineering for a Sustainable Society
Prof. Lidija Zdravković
2024 NSW Research Award Night
Waranga Habaraduwa Peellage, Penghao Zhang, Shashika Atapattu, Majid Jazebi and Jiawei Xie
Databases and data-centric geotechnics
Chair Professor Kok-Kwang Phoon
AGS Hunter Valley & Northern NSW Symposium 2024
Dr. Stephen Fityus, Dr. Jubert Pineda, David Piccolo, Jeremy Toh, Dr. Klaus Thoeni, Mr. Daniel West, Dr. Maddalena Marchelli, Dr. Davide E. Guccione and Steven Morton
2024 Central Coast Excursion
Dr Stephen Fityus
AGS 4.1.1 AU1.2 National Roadshow
Tim Swavley
The Unusual and the Unexpected in Geotechnical Engineering: Observation – Analogy – Experiment
Professor Stephan Jefferis
Point clouds and machine learning applications in rock slope modelling
Dr. Ioannis Farmakis
- 2023
2022 D.H. Trollope Medal Winner presentation
Dr Davide E. Guccione
Cyclic Loading Induced Sliding Instability of Rock Joint
Mairaj Soomro
Finite Element Modelling of pile groups founded above compressible layers
Richard Merifield
Edge protection along haul roads in mines and quarries: How safe are safety berms?
A/Prof Klaus Thoeni
Slope Stability Analysis: From Taylor’s Charts to Finite Elements
D. Vaughan Griffiths
AGS/Mine Subsidence Technological Society Joint Presentation
Stephen Fityus, Simon Baker, John Johnston and Sam Mackenzie
AGS Newcastle AGM
2023 GHD Prize in Geomechanics – Presentation from Finalists
Finalists: Nicolas Gilbert, Abigail Watman and Matthew West
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
Trying to make a difference – and why sometimes we can’t
Rob Day
Design of Foundations Using The Cone Penetration Test
Barry Lehane
Numerical modelling of underground excavations – uncertainties caused by use of empirical based downgrading methods and in situ stresses
Mahdi Zoorabadi
Hail Creek 2016 Low Wall Instability
Glen Guy
Critical State Soil Mechanics
Mike Jefferies
58th Rankine Lecture
Dr Nick O'Riordan
AGS Newcastle AGM & Dinner
- 2018
Slope movements in open pit mines
Dr Paolo Farina
2018 GHD Prize in Geomechanics
Maddison Marquez Brand, James Cudmore and Lewis Gooch
2018 Future Graduates Networking BBQ
National Terzaghi lecture
Dr. R. Kerry Rowe
57th Rankine Lecture, Newcastle
Eduardo Alonso
Construction methods and quality outcomes for bored cast-in-situ piles – A review of current practice
Dr Ben Collingwood
AGS NSW Research Award 2018
for Research in Geotechnical Engineering or Engineering Geology PresentationsDongli Zhu, Liet Dang, Ruoshi Xu, Subhani Samarakoon Jayasekara Mudiyanse and Xinyu Ye
In-Situ Groundwater Remediation Technology
Professor Liming Hu, Tsinghua University, China
Divergence in the science and practice of engineering geology
Mark Eggers
Newcastle Chapter 2017 AGM
Bulli pass landslide hazard assessment and control measures
Dr Phil Flentje, The University of Wollongong
Effects of size, humidity and time in crushable granular materials
Assistant Professor Carlos Ovalle
- 2017
2017 GHD Prize in Geomechanics
Natural hazards, risk, and the resilience of U.S. transportation infrastructure
Scott Anderson
2017 Future graduates networking BBQ
Soil and Rock Logging Course
Fred Baynes and Ian Shipway
Insights from the Ballina bypass prediction exercise
Dr Richard Kelly
MEMS and other Miniaturised Electronics as Geotechnical Engineering Tools
Dr Ryan D. Beemer
Geosurveys innovation
Dr Andi Pfaffhuber
Mechanics of unsaturated soils and applications
Professor Daichao Sheng
Pile performance and pile prediction events
Stephen Buttling
56th Rankine Lecture, Newcastle:
Geotechnics and EnergyProfessor Richard Jardine, Imperial College London
Probably looking at slope stability
Stephen Buttling
Annual General Meeting – Newcastle Chapter
(2016 AGM Rescheduled)An innovative geotechnical monitoring system for soft ground treatment on the W2B Pacific Highway upgrade project
Henry Zhang
- 2016
55th Rankine Lecture:
Hazard, Risk and Reliability in Geotechnical PracticeDr Suzanne Lacasse, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)
2016 Annual General Meeting – Newcastle Chapter (postponed)
Presentations from Finalists for 2016 GHD Prize in Geomechanics
Geotechnical Stability Analysis
Laureate Professor Scott Sloan
Rooting for Sustainable Performance
Professor David Muir Wood
2016 Future Graduates Networking BBQ
Disruptive technologies and a view of the future for geotechnical practice
Dr James Glastonbury
Abandoned Mine Subsidence Geomechanics
Ebrahim Fathi
Geotechnical Mapping Course – Newcastle
Forest and bio-engineering rock fall protection techniques
Dr Franck Bourrier
E.H. Davis Memorial Lecture – Newcastle
Professor Malek Bouazza
AGS NSW Research Award 2016
for Research in Geotechnical Engineering or Engineering Geology PresentationsDanielle Griffani, Lam Dinh Nguyen and Sinniah Navaratnarajah
Railway Tunnel Remediation in the Bylong Valley
Ben Morris
2016 Newcastle Geology Tour
AS 1726 : 2016 Seminar – Newcastle
Members of the SA CE-15 Committee
Escaping the Golden Cage: Learning to Practise the Art of Observational Geotechnical Engineering
John Simmons
Evolution of Submarine Landslides
Professor Alexander M. Puzrin
- 2015
Annual General Meeting & Dinner
Newcastle Chapter Geology Tour – POSTPONED
Presentations from Finalists for 2015 GHD Prize in Geomechanics
Future Graduates Networking BBQ
John Jaeger Memorial Award Lecture: Predicting the Mechanical Behaviour of Structured Soils
Professor John Carter
Instrumentation and Monitoring: State of the Art for Geotechnics and Structures
Iain Robertson
Measuring the pressure induced by bench blasting and deciphering explosive performance through rockmass response analysis
Professor VMSR Murthy
Prediction of the excavation damaged zone in Callovo-Oxfordian claystone using a coupled second gradient model
Frederic Collin
Reliability-Based Geotechnical Design:
From Theory to PracticeProfessor Gordon Fenton
Limitations of simplified methods for the design of tunnels in bedded formations
David Oliveira PhD, MIEAust, CPEng
Experimental and numerical study on the performance of rockfall protection barriers for hazard mitigation
Dr Michele Spadari
54th Rankine Lecture (2014):
Interactions in Offshore Foundation DesignProfessor Guy Houlsby, University of Oxford
Geotechnical characterization of rock faces using photogrammetry
Dr Dwayne Tannant
Control of cost overruns on major construction project through adequate site investigation
Dr. Bill Bamford
14th Glossop Medal Lecture Tour – Newcastle
- 2014
- 2013
2013 Newcastle Chapter AGM
Newcastle and Lake Macquarie Geology Tour
Dr David Branagan, Russell Rigby and Greg McNally
Combined Loading of Offshore Foundations
Prof Mark J. Cassidy
Designing for Rockfall: According to the guidelines for the approval of Rockfall Protection Kits
Roland Bucher
Rock Slope Design in Layered Rocks: Some Precautionary Tales
John Simmons
Risks associated from coal seam gases and products of combustion gases when conducting exploration and site investigations in abandoned mine workings
Robert Butcher
Numerical simulation in underground construction – what are the benefits and how can we trust the results?
Emeritus Professor Gernot Beer
- 2012
Annual General Meeting & Dinner
Fundamental Issues in Developing a Code of Practice for Geotechnical Design – Eurocode 7
Dr Brian Simpson
Conglomerates, thick coals, and claystones: Underground mining in the soft rocks of the Newcastle coalfield
Dr Ross Seedsman
Culvert and sewer deterioration and repair using polymer liners
Dr Ian Moore
Calculation of heave of deep pier foundations
John D Nelson
Grouting at Ipswich and Hunter Expressway
Bill Holz & Iain Robertson
Pavements on Expansive Soils & Footings on Expansive Soils
Prof Robert Lytton
NSW Research Award Presentation
Ana Paula Heitor and Chunshun Zhang
Ground Improvement in the Christchurch Rebuild – A Contractor’s Perspective
Mark Koelling
What happened to the mechanics in rock mechanics and the geology in engineering geology?
Philip Pells
46th Terzaghi Lecture – Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil: From the Experimental to the Familiar
R. D. Holtz, Professor Emeritus, University of Washington
- 2011
2011 Annual General Meeting & Dinner
AGS Newcastle City Geology Tour
Dr. David Branagan
Drilled Shaft Instrumentation for O-cell Tests
Fitri Johari
Gunnedah Basin Geology
Mark Dawson
Building 3D models of rock strength using geophysical logs
Professor Peter Hatherly
Limit Analysis for post-failure analysis: application to structural geology
Yves M. Leroy
Palmers Road landslides: investigation, analysis & remediation
Mark Adams
Ballast!! Who needs it?
David Christie
2011 NSW Research Awards
Mohammad Pournaghiazar & Nayoma Tennakoon
Newcastle geology: 250 million challenges for the engineering geologist
Dr David Branagan
Lessons from the Yallourn Batter Failure Inquiry
Adjunct Professor Tim Sullivan
A Framework For Forensic Engineering
Professor Harry Poulos
- 2010
Culverts and Sewers – Buried but not forgotten
Ian D Moore, PhD, FCAE, FEIC, PEng
Systems engineering the design and operations of municipal solid waste landfills to minimize contamination of groundwater
R. Kerry Rowe
Stiffness at Small Strain – Research and Practice
Professor Chris Clayton
Rock mass characterization; a vehicle to translate Geology into the design of Engineering Structures
Dr. Paul Marinos
Concepts & Parameters Related to Ground Improvement Illustrated by Case Histories
Serge Varaksin
Concepts & Parameters Related to Ground Improvement Illustrated by Case Histories
Serge Varaskin
The NSW Research Award: Advances in Geotechnical Engineering Research
Various speakers
Recent Advances in the Application of Vertical Drains and Vacuum Preloading in Soft Soil Stabilisation
Professor Buddhima Indraratna
An Introduction to Cross-hole Sonic Logging of Concrete in Drilled Piers
Alex Gibson PhD
Slurry Wall Construction Current Technology and Case Studies
Chris Ryan
- 2009
Sharing geo-engineering data through the World Wide Web
Dr David Toll
4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils
Uncertain geotechnical truth and cost-effective high-rise foundation design
Clyde Baker
South Africa’s challenges pertaining to mine closure
Daniel Van Tonder
Vacuum consolidation ground treatment
Dr Richard Kelly
A Practical Guide to Abandoned Mine Subsidence Assessment and Mitigation using Examples from the United States and Australia
David L. Knott, P.E.
3 presentations
Various speakers
Electrokinetics: Principles and Engineering Applications
Prof. Julie Q Shang
- 2008
Foundations (piles) in Rock – Serviceability Rules
Dr Chris M. Haberfield
Special Function: Meet the Students
Various speakers
Mini Symposium: Pit to Port – Geotechnics of the Hunter Valley Coal Supply Chain
Various Speakers
What is failure and why do failures occur?
Prof. John Atkinson
Stability analysis of old underground quarries
Prof. Gian Paolo Giani
Geomorphology and its Uses
Dr. Lucy Ellis
Rockfall analysis
Dr. Anna Giacomini
- 2007
Soil-environment interactions in geotechnical engineering
Contaminated Sites: Remediation Technologies & Case Studies
Matthew Fensom & Nick Ebrill
In situ behaviour of stiff sedimentary clays subject to excavation and thermal loading
Jean Vaunat
Glossop Lecture – Rapid Landslides : The importance of mechanisms and mechanics
Professor Robin Fell
Mechanical Properties of Methane Hydrate-bearing Sand in the Deep Seabed
Professor Masayuki Hyodo
Two Geotechnical Mess-Ups at the Gold Coast – What Really Happened?
Allan McConnell
Newcastle’s South Pacific Beach – Reinvented
Robert Sirasch
- 2006
41st Karl Terzaghi Lecture: Unsaturated Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice
Professor Del Fredlund
“Student Membership Function: Geotechnical Design 2006 – University of Newcastle”
Chris Bozinovski, AGS Newcastle Chairman, Douglas Partners
Numerical algorithms for large deformation analysis in geomechanics
Majid Nazem, Discipline of Civil, Surveying and Environmental Engineering, The University of Newcastle
Solid Waste Landfill Geotechnics
Dr Gary Schmertmann, URS Australia Pty Ltd
Hydraulic Containment at Landfill Sites
Nathan Juchau, Charles Spalding, Stephen Jones, and Dr Gary Schmertmann
Characteristics of Vacuum Consolidation
Prof. Jin-Chun Chai, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Japan
Recent applications of the “square” impact roller
Derek Avalle, Technical Manager Broons Hire (SA) Pty Ltd
“Who Needs Constitutive Models?”
Professor John Carter, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment. University of Newcastle.
2005 Poulos Lecture “Soft clay engineering: site characterisation and design of shallow foundations and anchoring systems”
Professor Mark Randolph, ARC Federation Fellow
- 2005
- 2004
Energy Method for Structures Interacting with Dissipative Soils
Itai Einav, APD Fellow, Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems, University of Western Australia
Regional landslide hazard maps of Tasmania
Colin Mazengarb, Mineral Resources Tasmania
Special Function
Local AGS Members
Risk Assessment for Civil Engineering Systems
Assoc. Prof Mark Stewart, The University of Newcastle
A Study of Direct Shear Testing using a Large Shear Box
Dr Stephen Fityus, The University of Newcastle
Numerical Analysis: A Virtual Dream or Practical Reality?
Prof. David M Potts, Imperial College, London
Geosynthetics in Reinforced Earth Structures
Raymond Chow, Maccaferri Australia
Geotechnical Stability Analysis: New Methods for an Old Problem
Prof. Scott W Sloan, Geotechnical Research Group, University of Newcastle
Jamuna – Bridge Foundations
Mr Steve Kay, Senior Engineer – Fugro Engineers BV
Rock Stability Analysis and its Application in Large Dam Construction
Professor Zhou, Wei Yuan, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Poulos Lecture: Tunnels and Excavations: Ground movements and the construction process
Prof. R Neil Taylor, Geotechnical Engineering Research Centre, City University, London
- 2003
Laboratory testing and hydromechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils
Dr Enrique Romero, School of Engineering, Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
Coastal Change Monitoring using Geomatic Techniques
Dr Simon Buckley, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Darwin to Alice… By Rail
Robert Taylor, Barclay Mowlem
Geotechnical Engineering in Antarctica
Sam Mackenzie, Coffey Geosciences
Two presentations
Dr David Harris and Professor Erich Bauer
Tensile & compressive capacities of piles in sand under repeated loading
Prof K Eingenbrod, Lakehead University, Canada
Numerical Investigation into the influence of bored piles on existing tunnels
Dr Felix Schroder, Imperial College, London
D H Trollope Lecture: The Mathematics of Engineering
Dr Glen Peters, University of Newcastle
Slope Stability Analysis & Risk by Finite Elements
D V Griffiths, Colorado School of Mines
Applications & Benefits of Cold Spray-Applied Membranes
Phil Russell & Ben Haseler, Resin Grouting Technology
- 2002
Aspects of Development of Sydney Airport
Mike Thom, Director, Douglas Partners Pty Ltd
Assessment of Regional Landslide Hazard
Patrick MacGregor, Consulting Engineering Geologist
Mine Void Remediation for the West Charlestown Bypass, Newcastle
Ben Rouvray
Maryland reactive Soils Field Site
Dr Stephen Fityus, University of Newcastle
Seminars on Landslide Risk Management
Landslide Roadshow
Soil structure interaction
A/Prof John Small, University of Sydney, NSW
The environmental improvements of the Shingmun River, China
Dr. Paul Kau, Golder Associates, Hong Kong
- 2001
Assessment of regional landslide hazard
Mr Patrick MacGregor, Consulting Engineering Geologist
The use of Statistics in Contaminated Site Assessment
Phillip Hitchcock, Robert Carr & Associates
Geotechnical Anchoring Systems and GEWI Piles
Steve Dubé, Division Engineer, DYWIDAG-Systems International
Numerical Models of Tunnels and Tunnelling
Dr Charles Augarde, University of Durham UK
- 2000
Geotechnical Analysis
Professor David Potts, Imperial College, London
Tomago Mineral Sands Mining Project
Stephen Jones, Principal, Douglas Partners Pty Ltd
Tunnels and Mines
Dr Bob Whiteley, Director, Resources Division, Coffey Geosciences Pty. Ltd.
Shear Strength and Stiffness of Silty Sand
Prof. Rodrigo Salgado, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Purdue University
The mysteries of blast induced ground vibrations
Prof. Gour C. Sen, University of Wollongong
- 1999
- 1998
Geotechnical Engineering & Engineering Geology in the Hunter Valley
Failures, Factors of Safety and Soil Strength
Professor John Atkinson, Professor of Soil Mechanics, City University, London
EUROCODE 7 Part 3 : Field Testing – Methods & Interpretation
Professor Karel Drozd, Charles University, Prague
- 1997
A General Discussion Of Constitutive Models For Soils
Professor Gerd Gudehus, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Three Dimensional Boundary Element Analysis Of Stress At Lkab Mine, Kiruna, Sweden
Dr John Watson, Department of Mining Engineering, University of New South Wales
Stress-Deformation Behaviour of an Embankment on Boston Blue Clay
A/Prof Andrew Whittle, Dept Civil & Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 1996
Large Strain Consolidation in Unsaturated Porous Media
J Gareth Swarbrick, University of New South Wales
Evaluation of the Stability of an Arch Dam Founded on Fractured Rock
Antonio Gens, Technical University of Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Evaluation of the Stability of an Arch Dam Founded on Fractured Rock
Antonio Gens
Video available
Presenation available